This parrot I wanted to get hold of later this year,
I was piling up money by not drinking.
(Umbrella Cockatoo)

I have occationally gone to this pet shop
to habituate him to me by chucking him.

He ran wild in his cage and
fractured by himself last November
when earthquake happened.
I like powerful him
because he abated his price at the risk of his life. (>w<)
He didn't move a muscle
at the Tohoku earthquake in March. 2011
because he had taken some getting to earthquake last Nov.
He has a spark of toughness!(^◇^)
He was bought.............( ゚д゚ Ke)
He disappeared with his cage
when I went to the pet shop a while back.
Although I loved him!!!!!!!(●´・△・`)
But this case is first-come basis.....
Even so I said "No more drinking!",
I drunk heavily and
slept with opened eyes at last week travel.
I was wrong....
I wish you be happy(;ω;)ノシ
Therefore I ended a relationship.
I'm sad,
so I get back together my alcohols♡
At last week trip,
I got remaining many Japanese wines. (hhhh

By the by,
The pet shop lost Umbrella Cockatoo might go barmy,

they started to send a duck to graze in the shop.
I know what they means.....ok...
Speaking of cockatoo,
my pet cockatiel is Py.

So far in Tohoku earthquake,
I have not uncaged Py to bring out Py with cage
as soon as happen next big earthquake.
The other day
I uncaged him after so long,
He became not be able to fly.
He couldn't flap wrings and pitched on the tatami.
Blank during 2 month is very hard for him.(>_<)
He got a shock himself.
I have uncaged him everyday from that day,
his body is innate for him to fly,
he recollected how to fly as sweet as a nut.
And, now is that.....

How spoony! lolol
I want to feed spinach to him,
but radioactivity is awful.......
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