
Saturday, April 20, 2013

BLOOD SIMPLE the thriller

Japanese title of this movie is
"哀しいほど滑稽な殺人(Grievously Humorous Murder)".
I had felt attracted to this Japanese title,
so I tried to rent this one DVD.

Original title of this movie is "BLOOD SIMPLE the thriller".

It seems to be a debut work of a renowned film director.

Story is suspense has complicated reasons.
It is a little bit complicated,
I would begin to wonder what story
if I had passed over only 1 scene.
It was very hard for me to look carefully this movie. (;m;)

A gag appeared suddenly
when I began to have a shoot full story.
Preparing for their move♪

Close up
A packing cardboard box is 月桂冠(Laurel Wreath). lolol

月桂冠 is a brand of a Japanese wine.

Earnest of Coen Brothers is interesting! lololol