
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Products there is a Limit to How Fancied

This website is very interedsitng.
(※Japanese site)

This is most wonderful product in product introductions.
USB thumb drive of Mami Tomoe (reversible)

What high-quality!  Big Image

I want to get this product,
but it is bad for my heart because
I may remember that scene of episode 3 every time I see it.
it was sold out! lol

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Red Pigment

Red Pigment
※Japanese Site

I made a sale at Hoimi(Japanese T-shirts site).
Thank you for your purchase.m(_ _)m 

This design has not character. 

Other Design

Monday, January 14, 2013

Psychological Test what you might be able to catch on yourself

I underwent the psychological test when I found it online.

Note: Don't look diagnoses after you provide all questions.
you can't change your responses once had been answered questions.

At first, please equip a pen & a paper,
mark off 6 sections by writing a horizontal line & 2 vertical lines.

[Question 1]
Please write name of an animal on the first section.
And, please write 3 impressions of it.

[Question 2]
Please write name of other animal on the second section.
And, please write 2 impressions of it.

[Question 3]
Please write name of another animal on the third section.
And, please write 3 impressions of it, as in your earlier once.

[Question 4]
Please write 'Sea' on the 4th section,
and write 3 impressions of the sea.

[Question 5]
Please write 'Wall' on the 5th section,
and write 3 impressions of the wall.

[Question 6]
Please write 'Cap' on the 6th section,
and write 3 impressions of the cap.

Again, don't look diagnoses until you answered all questions.
You can't change your answers once had been answered.

The first animal means about how do you see yourself.

The second animal means about how people see you.

The third animal means about you feel how people see you.

The sea means about human life,
the wall means about death.
So, their impressions tells how you apprehend your life & death.

At last,
The cap means about sex.
Their impressions tells how images you have about sex.

I saw answers on mine.

1. That's correct!
2. I'm sad that people esteem only my hair coat. lol
3. ......I became less sure of myself as mammals.
4. I knew I shouldn't do this test
    after watched the movie of shark & octopus!
5. I'm crazy.  orz
6. I'm crazy again. (o_ _)o

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Not Uniformed Appetite

I went to Sukiya with my mother & my uncle.

I'm a spare eater, so ordered a mini rice bowl.

Mom is a big eater, but she is dieting now,
so ordered a normal rice bowl.

My uncle is very big eater, so order 2 rice bowls.

There are times when it's arduous for me not to eat.
So I am envious of his appetite.

Please give me half of his appetite!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pictures Don't Show to Children

I sometime let out art books or magazines
 I have gathered up to my students
to teach how to draw or paint.

Wakime(assumed name)
he is the 4th grade of elementary school
are drawing a picture of Chinese gods.
When I asked him
"Is Clothes of them solid color or with pattern? "
he answered me
"I haven't decide yet. " .
So I let out him an art book of Japanese woodblock prints
I had bought on impulse on the previous day.

"Please decide to paint clothes a solid color or a pattern
within the next class. "

He is the boy read with interesting art books I let out,
doesn't bring back about a month it when I let out it.
But as far as this Japanese woodblock prints book gone,
he brought back at the next week.

That book is 500 pages of 2 volume sets.

I felt what he brought back it only a week may be short.

I had a little questions,
but I have let it go because I have been busy.

Today, I had some spare time.
I have observed carefully every page of that books.
I found several obscene pictures appeared in them. orz

As I recall,
The person brought back me was his mother, not him.
She would probably have evaluated it no good
when she looked several obscene pictures.

I perpetrate big mistake! orz

I have usually checked that
all of my art books & magazines
doesn't comprehend any dangerous pictures.
(For example,
a harsh scene & pornographic pictures are no good)

I hadn't checked contents of these books and
tended to let out him
because I had just bought it the day before.
It is completely my mistake.

I must check contents of my books
even if I am very busy.

Book I don't check contents shouldn't let out someone....

I feel ashamed.

There are several things I care about
when I teach how to draw or paint to student,
I can't still make up my mind
to teach about "conception of nudity of art".

I have thought it is smooth for adolescent children
 to know erotic things little by little
through the medium of a talk in whisper with friends.

I have thought
threshold of erotic things should never
my drawing class as amateur!

I am thinking so now.

He must draw many nude plaster figures
if he should go into the expressive arts.

The reason that many Greek statues is barely-clad is
because there is concept that
human is more beautiful as his birthday suit God provided
than their dressed form by clothes.
Linking erotic things & "nudity of art is wrong"
in the first place.

children are liable to take at face value what they see.
What generates a sense of value in him is
not difficult concept of art, but Impact at a glance. orz

I must show reference data to children with fastidious care.
 I have many art books
I had evaluated not to show and not to let out.

I want to show "Blue"(An art book of Yusuke Nakamura),
but it isn't possible for the above reason.
I want to show an art book of "A Cruel God Reigns" too,
but it is impossible.........

I wonder if show them
when Wakime become a high schooler.